May 17, 2012

Oh, I could crush a grape!

Progress report! It is amazing how things are going in the New District. The foundations have been laid, and the structure is beginning to take shape.
I have to say I get really excited and nervous at the same time, this is a stupendously massive undertaking the Amazon is one of the most expensive places per meter squared for construction. Why? I hear you ask, everything has to be imported, brought up river. At the moment we are in the rainy season and the area where we are working in the New District is very close to a river, which has caused the road in to become water logged, this has hampered a little the access to the site but not the progress.
We hope to have the Living Word School in the New District open by the end of February 2013. This would be a miraculous feat and we ask that you would partner with us in prayer so that this dream could come to place. I am often surprised at how God raises people up to support the work here in Maues.  One faithful supporter comes from Texas in the USA. I have never preached or had the opportunity to tell of what God is doing in Maues in the States but God put it on a man’s heart to sow back into Brazil. In the morning he was asking God for an opportunity and by the afternoon we had met at the departure lounge of Manaus’s Eduardo Gomes International Airport. How incredible is that! Please pray for the work here in Maues but please also expect and be on the lookout for those doors to be opened and presented to you too. I can’t be everywhere all at once.......I’ve stopped trying too! But we together can get the news out there and be the links that bring it all together.
Brick work up to 1.70m

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